Canter Hill
2138 Valley Hill Road
Malvern, PA 19355
Email: canterhillfarm@yahoo.com
Phone: 610.827.1594
(For a quick response, email is best!)
Farmer's Markets:
Bryn Mawr (9 - 1 pm)
Chestnut Hill (9 - noon)
On the Farm:
The farm is open Friday from 12 - 4. We are not open any other days.

We receive at least one request a day from folks who are interested in visiting the farm. We believe in knowing where your food comes from, and we are ABSOLUTELY committed to being a food supply for our community, so we want you to pick up items from the farm. The balance that we struggle with achieving is that we have to have time to work on the farm and we also need to have time with our family. Although Wayne is now farming full time, Jeannette still has a full-time position, so our “farm time” remains somewhat limited. We therefore only offer “farm visits” for the purpose of picking up pre-ordered items. We don’t yet have the staff (we don’t have any staff) to be able to show folks around the farm. Someday we’ll get there!
The best way to arrange a pickup is to send us an email, letting us know what products you are looking for, and a preferred time (or preferred day) for pickup. We try to respond within 24 hours if not less, and we can usually figure something out pretty quickly. PLEASE note that we are not frequently by the farm phone, so email is MUCH faster than calling.